Loving God, Loving People

SINCE 2006

The Journey Church, Aberdeen, SD, a church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, started as a church planted through many blessings from Aberdeen Alliance Church in September 2006, with a team of 20 people. At its beginning, The Journey Church met at a downtown bar named Wild Oats. For a handful of years, members set up shop each Sunday morning throughout the bar space and boldly preached the Gospel of Jesus.

In 2011, the church needed to expand its daycare ministry while establishing a more permanent home. The church then moved to the 502 E. Melgaard location. This location allowed for expansion of the daycare and larger community events.

By 2021, The Journey Church began actively seeking spaces to again expand its daycare ministry and space to accommodate its growing congregation.


The staff and leadership of The Journey are small but mighty. Although staff play an important part of the day-to-day activities of the church, we believe it is our church family who make the biggest impact on how the message of Jesus Christ is magnified through the church.

You can contact the church office at office@thejourneyaberdeen.com

Devin Hebeisen - Pastor

Originally hailing from Minnesota, Pastor Devin Hebeisen was a construction worker. After becoming youth sponsors, Devin and his wife Teresa, pursued a calling to fulltime ministry. Soon after, their family moved to Aberdeen, SD and Devin took on the role of Youth Pastor at Aberdeen Alliance Church.

In 2006, Devin led efforts for a new church plant in Aberdeen for the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Eventually, that church would become The Journey. Since that time, Devin and Teresa have sought out opportunities to serve others regardless of their position in life. That includes roles at The Journey Church, Journey Kid's Daycare Center, and Journey Home.

On an average week, you can see both Devin and Teresa helping at church functions, serving through Journey Home, and building relationships with everyone they encounter. Devin and Teresa also have four adult children (Jacob, Nathan, Rebecca, and Seth) and one grandchild. Regardless of where they are, Devin and Teresa stand as the definition of servant leaders.

Josh Latterell - Elder Board Member

Josh is a communicator, technologist and “Jesus Geek” who is passionate about helping Christians speak the truth in love to this generation.

Josh grew up as a homeschool kid in rural Minnesota, but he eventually got his hands on both technology and social skills. At age 19 he moved to Aberdeen, South Dakota to help start and run a furniture business with his Dad, before striking out on his own as a freelance graphic designer and web developer. He had an early stint as lead flash developer at an e-learning startup, led a web team at a creative agency for 12 years, and in 2014 he founded a digital marketing company.

Josh is married to an Amazon woman, and has one daughter. He currently serves as an elder at Journey Church (C&MA) in Aberdeen, SD, where he occasionally teaches.

Christian Pirlet - Secondary Staff

Christian acts as secondary staff at The Journey. He has a passion for using technology to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Most Sunday mornings, you can catch Christian juggling things behind the soundboard.

In addition to his time spent at The Journey, Christian has been in the field of education since he graduated from Northern State University in 2006. Since that time, he has been a high school teacher and is now an assistant professor a the university level. Christian views every challenge as an opportunity to learn new things to make his role at The Journey more effective and efficient.

Christian has been married to his wife, Gina for 15 years and they have four sons, Liam, Judah, Callum, and Ezekiel.

Our Core Beliefs

The people of The Journey believe that God has wired us with several directives for life:

  • To grow closer to God each day. We strive for progression not perfection.
  • To give Him our admiration. We worship through music, film, finances, and conversation.
  • To grow closer to each other. We experience life together.
  • To reach out to those that don't know God. God fills voids, erases hurts, and holds us up.
  • To serve others in the church. Jesus himself, the Son of God, served mankind. We do too.

What denomination are we?

The Journey is a part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA). Started in 1919, the C&MA is a Christ-centered global movement more than 6 million strong.

Our Acts 1:8 family—inspired by Jesus’ love and empowered by His Spirit—is passionate to bring the good news about Him to our neighborhoods and world.