Father and Shepherd | Sunday Message [6.16.24]

Father and Shepherd | Sunday Message [6.16.24]

At Journey Church, Aberdeen, SD, we believe God is both our Father and our Shepherd. The Bible is full of examples of this, from the parable of the Prodigal Son showing God's forgiveness like a loving father, to Psalm 23 expressing trust in God's care as a shepherd.

For instance, God is...


  • Fatherly Shepherd: God, the fatherly shepherd, provides for his flock's needs while also leading them in the right direction. He corrects them when they stray and celebrates their victories.

  • Compassionate Authority: The fatherly aspect reminds us that God's authority comes from love, not tyranny. He disciplines us not to punish, but to help us grow.


Join us this Sunday, June 16, 2024 to explore this beautiful relationship further. We look forward to welcoming you and helping you experience God's love and guidance!

Sermon Detail
Date: Jun 16, 2024
Category: Joy, God, Faith, Christian Living
Speaker: Pete Hanke