Jesus is Lord | Sunday Message [11.3.24]

Jesus is Lord | Sunday Message [11.3.24]

This week we talk about Jesus as Lord of our decisions.

Jesus is Lord, the ultimate authority and ruler. Jesus is the source of wisdom and power, revealing the future and guiding humanity. He calls believers to submit to governing authorities, recognizing their authority as established by God. Jesus is the creator and sustainer of the universe, infinitely powerful and wise. He claims authority over all things, including human rulers. Believers are called to submit to governing authorities, even when they are unjust, recognizing God's purpose in their authority. These verses collectively affirm the lordship of Jesus Christ over all creation, including human rulers and authorities.

We can't wait to see you Sunday.

Sermon Detail
Date: Nov 03, 2024
Category: God, Christian Living, Historical, Discipleship
Speaker: Josh Latterell